Lunar IT - Doing IT Different • Security
Network Security

Is your business secure?

With the increased dependence on IT the comes the risks of cyber-attacks. At lunar, security is paramount we will work with you to mitigate these threats before they become detrimental to your business.

We do this in numerous ways:

  • Enforcing security measures from the offset creating a risk assessment tailored towards your business.
  • Ensuring systems are up to date and patched with the latest security updates we do this through automation tasks ran during downtime of the business.
  • Setting up real time alerts for when a threat is detected on the network this helps us determine where the threat has come from and who is the target.
  • Installing firewall/filtering appliances to protect the network from outside threats we can also use these appliances to filter harmful and unwanted traffic from penetrating the network.
  • Offering IT training to your users to ensure that they are aware of potential cyber attacks that may occur.
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